Real Courage

Courage is about doing something despite being afraid because something else is more important.

She was trembling the first time she drove the ambulance as an EMT. Driving during a high stress situation was bad enough. Now imagine driving a huge box during a high stress situation without a GPS when time is of the essence. And yes, it’s life or death. 

“How do you do it?” I asked her once. I knew it was her job but still couldn’t get past how difficult this must be.

She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. “I guess I don’t want to let the fear win,” she said finally. “The fear is real but facing it has made me stronger. Driving the ambulance for the first time was the hardest, but going for it made it so much easier every time after that,” she continued. 

My heart welled up. 

It wasn’t getting less scary to respond to these calls. She was just getting braver.

She was resilient.

She was capable. 

She was courageous. 

Because courage isn't about not being anxious or afraid. 

Courage is about doing something despite being afraid because something else is more important. 

Courage is about being honest with yourself by acknowledging the fear and realizing it is part of being human. 

Courage is about trying to do what your future self would be proud of. 

Indeed, she is courageous. 

She is capable.

She is resilient.

She is all of us. 

And she reminds us that we can be brave too, if only we dare to try.

Want to unleash your own real courage? Let’s chat!


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