Dear Mothers

If we could make one wish for you this Mother’s Day, it would be this.


Dear Mothers, 

Where do we even begin with describing how much you have positively impacted our lives? 

Months before we were born, you were putting us before yourselves - watching your diet, listening to our needs, and planning for our arrival. We’ll never know the things you sacrificed or the pain you experienced throughout pregnancy. Some of you even lost our siblings before they were born, had to give us to someone else or went through adoption. In every story, you’ve always wanted the best for us. 

We certainly put you to work once we became a part of this big, new world. Sorry for all the early morning feedings and late night wake up calls. We really stretched you when we started to walk around ourselves and interact verbally. You often couldn’t believe how fast we were growing and maybe even questioned sometimes if you were doing a good job. We never noticed. There’s a reason that “mom” was most of our first words. 

When school started, our interaction with you evolved. We started to spend more waking hours in class than at home, and you missed us but you continued to take care of us constantly - making our lunches, taking us to sports practice and doing LOTS of things around the house. Some of you even worked. It’s amazing how you did it all. 

Whatever your approach to parenting was, we learned a lot just from your actions - how you worked hard without complaint, cared deeply for others, and did so many things independently. 

In our teenage years, we probably appreciated you the least, and a lot of us still feel badly about that. For many of us, our friends became more important than you and we thought you didn’t understand us. Little did we realize that you were a teenager once too, and later years would likely show us what a big part of our lives you really were. We might not have called when things were going well, but we definitely did when they weren’t. Thanks for letting us grow while still allowing us to do laundry at home when we’d visit. 

We’re all grown up now and sometimes it feels strange to be “on our own.” Our relationships with you differ greatly. Some of us call and text you all the time. Some of us talk to you less frequently or wish you were still around. Some of us now realize how similar we are to you. Some of us still don’t see eye-to-eye with you on a lot of things. Whatever our relationship with you is at the moment, we’ll never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for us, and it’s likely you never expected us to. That’s what makes you one of a kind. 

Whether we talk about it or not, your love for us and our love for you is an unspoken truth that will always exist.  

If we could make one wish for you this Mother’s Day, it would be this: may you honor and serve yourself the way you do others. 

You are worth so much more than you will ever know. 


Your Grown-up Children

Interested in finding out more about how to honor and serve yourself? Let’s chat!


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