July Challenge

This is part of the Creating Consciousness Challenge.

This month’s challenge: No alcohol

This month’s intention: Pay more attention to how often, when and why you drink alcohol by abstaining from it for a month, observing what happens and reflecting on the process

This means…

  • No hard alcohol or alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, cocktails, shots, etc.)

  • Things with minimal amounts of alcohol (eg. kombucha, food with small amounts of alcohol) are ok

  • If completely abstaining from alcohol feels like too much for you at this time, modify this challenge to whatever will allow you to get the most out of it

How this month’s challenge works:

  • If you haven’t already, sign up before you start this challenge so you can connect with our community and get the latest updates.

  • “Completing” a monthly challenge is based on the honors system. Be honest with yourself.

What’s the benefit of doing this month’s challenge?

Aside self awareness, personal accomplishment, individual development, and a virtual community to support you through this, I’ll be offering one FREE coaching introductory call to anyone who completes at least one of the monthly challenges.

We got this!

Want to take creating consciousness to the next level? Let’s chat!


August Challenge


June Challenge