Lessons from our Father Figures
Learning from you has been like osmosis; it’s only in looking back that we realize how many lessons you’ve shared.
Dear Fathers,
How do we reflect on what you’ve taught us over the years? The observations, the stories, the adventures. Learning from you has been like osmosis; it’s only in looking back that we realize how many lessons you’ve shared.
Here are just a few.
Life is tough
Life is full of challenges. These challenges will be tough. This isn’t an excuse but a true realization that everyone is fighting their own battles. Remember that. We are not alone. And how we face these challenges is where the rubber meets the road.
Mindsets matter
Our thoughts have the power to create or destroy. Create possibility or destroy dreams. Create self esteem or destroy confidence. The people who don’t are the ones who said they can’t. It all starts with what is in between our ears.
The learning never stops
Learning, developing, applying: these are assets that others cannot take away from us. When we focus on the process of getting better over the fear of failure, the results come automatically. Every failure is a learning opportunity that you often trusted us to apply on our own.
Character is everything
Integrity. Love. Generosity. Good character is indispensable; it means aligning our actions with our words. Indeed, who we are will always be more important than what we earn, own or accomplish. The goal is to one day look in the mirror and be completely satisfied with the person we have become.
Playtime is mandatory
Exploration is a gift given to those brave enough to pursue it. A curious, fun, free child lives inside of all of us. Our spirits don’t grow old unless we let them. The thrill of life is in living it to the fullest and embracing the bumps along the way.
It’s about who we’re with, not what we’re doing
Few things are more precious in this world than quality time. Like peanut butter and jelly, the best experiences are the ones we enjoy together. Capture the joy in these moments, even when they are just in a living room. These are the priceless times we will look back on fondly.
Family is love
We may disagree, fight and drive each other crazy, but we will always love each other. And if we let it, that will be enough. There are few people in life who have known us as long as our families have, and that is something to lean into. Just being there for each other is one of the best things we can do.
And the list goes on, but one thing is for certain: we’ve learned the most from you when you were simply being the authentic dads that you are. Thank you for being you.
Your grown-up children
Interested in cultivating this type of authenticity in your own life? Let’s chat!